Update : LORE 1.1 : Condor

Welcome to Lore 1.1 — Condor!
What is available in this release?
1.1 is a pretty impactful update for Lore, as it introduces Maps to the Software. Maps have been a highly anticipated feature, and they are now joining Lore for the first time. Expect them to join Tome, albeit with different features, in a future update, as well as improvements down the line.
Get started
Creating a map
Creating a map is done easily from the palette.
Simply name your map, and add an image from your inventory.
Using Map Pins
Activating and deactivating the « Add a Pin » and « Move a Pin » tools allows you to control whether and how you want to edit your map.
Activating « Add a Pin » will allow you to create a new pin when clicking on the map.
Activating « Move a Pin » will allow you to move pins by drag and dropping them.
The option to activate or deactivate both gives you more control and should avoid mouse slips and other unwanted actions from affecting your work.
Once you added a pin, you can change its colour and decide which page in your Lore file it leads to:
After doing this a few times —or a few hundred times depending on the complexity of your Lory— you should be good to go.
Have fun with it!
Rune Inventory
One last thing to mention is the addition of a new and more elegant way to insert preexisting runes.
They are now more similar to the image inventory. It doesn’t allow anything new per se, but it’s definitely more polished.
Highest Priority
- Improvement : Map Pinning/Icon Improvements
- New Feature : Flowcharts
- New Feature : Reflexive Linking
- Improvement : Several Default Templates to help get to writing faster
- Improvement : Various Writing and Browsing Quality of Life Additions
- Improvement : New Rune Options, including :
- Improvement : Inspiration Lists
Lower Priority
- Improvement : More Default Templates to help get to writing faster
- Improvement : Various Writing and Browsing Quality of Life Additions
- Improvement : More Rune Options
Stuff to look forward to:
- Many ideas we plan to revisit after we’re done with the above…
- Several planned Quality of Life improvements
- In-app tutorials
- Backer Specific Themes and Icons
- New Flowchart Types and Visualizations Options
- Five Chapters that concern LORE out of of the six Stretch Goals we reached :
- The Workshop Wrk
- A Coin Flip CF
- Masters of Time MoT
- The Librarian Lib
- Trade Routes TR
In the future, these codes will precede any relevant feature in the updates or roadmaps
This roadmap is indicative and non-exhaustive