Amsel Suite

Update : LORE Beta 0.1 : Trailblazers

What is available in this release ?

Get Started

This release, as the first Beta build, focuses primarily on the core concept of LORE : allowing you to create your World by fully customizing the structure of your pages.

Create Your Templates 

LORE relies on a system of Templates that determine the display structure of your future pages. Our primary goal was to design an intuitive Template creation system so that you can fully define the structure of different pages in your encyclopedia, using your own logic!

You can create as many Templates as you’d like, within one of the eight categories currently implemented. For example, you can create a Template for important historical Figures in your World under the “Person” category, or create a Template for Fauna in the “Bestiary.”

Creating a Template is straightforward: give it a name, choose the category that seems most relevant to organize it, and start building its structure. It’s easy! Insert image and text blocks and size them as desired; you can assign a title to a text block so that all pages using this Template display that title (e.g., Biography).

Congratulations, your Template is ready! It can now be used to create your first pages in LORE.

Write Your Pages

Once you’ve created the first Templates you have in mind, you can start writing the first pages of your encyclopedia!

To create a page, you need to give it a name and choose a Template.

You’ll then see the structure you prepared earlier, with the option to select an image or write text. If the structure doesn’t quite suit your needs, no problem! You can click the Template edit button on the page at any time to modify its structure. Keep in mind that this structural change will affect all pages using this Template, so feel free to create multiple Templates for each of your structural ideas!

Your page is complete! It’s the first of many.

Import Your Images

In LORE, there are several ways to import the numerous images you’ve prepared to illustrate your World. One of these methods is to pre-import the images you plan to use.

To import an image, choose one of your folders (if applicable), then select the image you want to import from your computer. The imported image will be stored within your file and will follow along wherever it goes!

Next, to use your imported images, go to one of your pages with an image block and select your image from the gallery. If you start with this step and hadn’t thought of importing your image beforehand, no problem: you can import the image into your Gallery and then select it.

Navigate Your Encyclopedia

When writing text on one of your pages, consider tagging it to other relevant pages. The system is straightforward: use the “@” character and provide the characters that allow you to find the relevant page. This referencing system makes it quick, easy, and intuitive to navigate your LORE during gameplay.

You can also easily locate your Templates, Pages, and imported Images using the left navigation pane! A small search bar helps you find elements by their names.

Lastly, the tab system allows you to switch effortlessly between the different pages you’re working on. Explore More Features During Beta We have plans to enhance LORE during this beta based on your valuable feedback and introduce new features. Check out our Roadmap to learn more!

Saving your work

Finally, don’t forget about the File menu here:

It’ll allow you to save your progress, among other things.


Coming Soon!

  • New Feature : Landing Page
  • New Feature : Runes
  • Improvement : More TOME/LORE Interconnection
  • Improvement : Tagging Improvements
  • New Feature : Flowcharts
  • New Feature : Maps System
  • Improvement : Customization Improvements and LORE Pinning

Coming this Winter…

  • New Feature : Reflexive Linking
  • Improvement : Several Default Templates to help get to writing faster
  • Improvement : Various Writing and Browsing Quality of Life Additions
  • Improvement : New Rune Options, including :
  • Improvement : Inspiration Lists

Coming this Spring…

  • Improvement : Several Default Templates to help get to writing faster
  • Improvement : Various Writing and Browsing Quality of Life Additions
  • Improvement : New Rune Options

Stuff to look forward to:

  • Many ideas we plan to revisit after we’re done with the above…
  • Several planned Quality of Life improvements
  • In-app tutorials
  • Backer Specific Themes and Icons
  • New Flowchart Types and Visualizations Options
  • Five Chapters that concern LORE out of of the six Stretch Goals we reached :

  •  The Workshop Wrk
  •  A Coin Flip CF
  •  Masters of Time MoT
  •  The Librarian Lib
  •  Trade Routes TR

  In the future, these codes will precede any relevant feature in the updates or roadmaps

This roadmap is indicative and non-exhaustive

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